Together, inspiring students to think, learn, achieve and care in a global community.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Extremist Understanding Group Focus

Group 4 Stephonia Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)

Group 3 Aubrey Abu Nidal Organization (ANO)

Group 6 Jamika Real Irish Republican Army

Group 8 Jessica Serbian Black Hand

Group 12 Alvin Armed Islamic Group (GIA)

Group 11 Charlie Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)

Group 1 Rachel Somalian Pirates

Group 7 Marenda Hezbollah

Group 10 Aston Abu Sayyaf

Group 2 Musonda Egyptian Islamic Jihad

Group 5 Nyce Revolutionary People's Liberation Party (RPL)

Group 9 Kelsey Shining Path

Friday, March 11, 2011

Extremist Understanding Together We can



In your H: in your folder with your grad year, create a folder named "English 11 digital portfolio" in that folder create a folder named "Extremist Understanding"

Email all information to everyone in group!

Go to to view a Sample Works Cited.

Use to create a MLA formated Works Cited.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Economics of Risk

Think about...
  • What do you know now that you didn’t know before about what goes into making the decision to come to the United States?
  • What do you know now that you didn’t know before about the situations that undocumented workers face in their jobs?
  • What do you think lawmakers should do to address the situations of people like Maria and Elvira?

6. Based on what you have learned, what are the three most important things you want to tell your congressional representatives about the situation of undocumented workers? List them. Then write one paragraph about each of the three topics. In the paragraph, provide information about the topic and your views about it.

Email Luttke your paragraph at

Check your email for a response from Luttke. After you modify your paragraph based on her suggestions, then

Turn your three paragraphs into an email letter to your congressional representatives. Send the emails. You may find the contact information for your state representatives at

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

English 11 Digital Portfolio

Log in to Novell with your login (graduation year first four letters of your last name first two of your first name) and your password (your student id number)

Avoid using your Virtual login and/or business login

In your student folder, it should match your login, create a folder named "English 11 digital portfolio".

This is where you will store your information for this class for a grade. Also, so you can access it for Senior Project next year.

Research paper

Avoid using Wikipedia as an actual source in your paper.

Use Evaluation Criteria to make sure your source is good to use at

To understand how to avoid plagiarism, complete the March extra credit.

Use to complete your Works Cited.

Works Cited must be Alphabetical by the First word of the source.
Works Cited must leave a blank line between sources.
Works Cited must have first line of source flush left and the remainder indented.
Works Cited must have at least 5 sources

You will need to reference your sources 9 times in your paper.