Conduct online research.
Use the Internet to define and research the terms hunger, malnourishment, and food insecurity:
Hunger is the uneasy or painful sensation caused by a lack of food; the recurrent and involuntary lack of access to food. Many scientists consider hunger to be chronically inadequate nutritional intake due to low incomes (i.e., people do not have to experience pain to be hungry from a nutritional perspective).
Malnutrition is a serious health impairment resulting from substandard nutrient intake. Malnutrition may result from a lack of food, a chronic shortage of key nutrients, or impaired absorption or metabolism associated with chronic conditions or disease
Food insecurity is limited or certain unavailability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods or limited or uncertain ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways.
Look into the following research topics related to hunger:
- Reasons hunger exists in the "land of plenty"
- Causes of hunger in local communities
- Connection between hunger and poverty
Share findings via email with me. Remember to cite your information!
Suggested Online Resources for Student Research - copy and paste into Google search:
Klein Foundation's Hunger Service Learning Center
What's your hunger IQ?
Twelve myths about hunger
A Blueprint to End Hunger (PDF)
Hunger statistics
Childcare plan to aid homeless
Extension Activity
Discuss why your local area needs programs and services that respond to people in need of food. As a class, brainstorm ways to help provide food for those experiencing need.
Write a short essay or journal entry that reflects new insights and personal responses to a lesson learned.