Posted: 02 Jan 2013 10:47 PM PST
Here are ten areas to be sure to attend to if you wish to be taken seriously as a professional writer.
1. Do not enter two letter spaces between sentences.
Use of two spaces is an obsolete convention based on typewriter
technology and will mark you as out of touch. If editors or other
potential employers or clients notice that you don’t know this simple
fact, they may be skeptical about your writing skills before you’ve had a
chance to impress them.
2. Take care that paragraphs are of varying
reasonable lengths.
Unusually short or long paragraphs are appropriate in moderation, but
allowing a series of choppy paragraphs or laboriously long ones to
remain in a final draft is unprofessional.
3. If you’re submitting a manuscript or other
content for publication, do not format it with various fonts and other
style features. Editors want to read good writing, not enjoy
aesthetically pleasing (or not) manuscripts; efforts to prettify a file
are a distraction.
4. Do not, in résumés or in other text, get carried
away with capitalization. You didn’t earn a Master’s Degree; you earned a
master’s degree. You didn’t study Biology; you studied biology. You
weren’t Project Manager; you were project manager. (Search the Daily
Writing Tips website for “capitalization” to find numerous articles on
the subject.)
5. Become familiar with the
rules for styling numbers, and apply them rationally.
6. Know the principles of punctuation, especially
regarding consistency in insertion or omission of the serial comma,
avoidance of the
comma splice, and
use of the semicolon.
(Search the Daily Writing Tips website for “punctuation” to find
numerous articles on the subject.) And if you write in American English
and you routinely place a period after the closing quotation mark at the
end of a sentence rather than before it, go back to square one and try
7. Hyphenation is complicated. In other breaking news, life isn’t fair. Don’t count on editors to cure your hyphenation hiccups for you; become your own
expert consultant.
(In addition to reading the post I linked to here, search the Daily
Writing Tips website for “hyphenation” to find numerous articles on the
8. Avoid “scare quotes.” A term does not need to be
called out by quotation marks around it unless you must clarify that the
unusual usage is not intended to be read literally, or when they are
employed for “comic” effect. (In this case, the implication is that the
comic effect is patently unamusing.)
9. For all intensive purposes, know your idioms. (That
should be “for all intents and purposes,” but you should also just omit
such superfluous phrases.) On a related note, avoid clichés like the
plague — except when you don’t. They’re useful, but generous use is the
sign of a lazy writer.
10. Don’t rely on spellchecking programs to do your
spelling work for you, and always verify spelling (and wording) of
proper nouns.