Together, inspiring students to think, learn, achieve and care in a global community.

Friday, April 24, 2015

English 11 week of April 27

Monday - Receive information about Contemporary Author research; Homework: Email me your author choice and why you chose that particular author

Link to author list:

Link for author research:

Tuesday - Begin researching author

Wednesday - 2nd, 3rd, 5th hour - Of Mice and Men assessment. Continue Contemporary author research.Homework: complete Learning Target 

MLA style
In text Citations at
Sample Works Cited page at

Thursday - Handout on critiquing an author's writing; Begin reading from contemporary author.

Friday - Continue research: Easybib tutorial for Works Cited

Easybib at

Technical Writing week of April 27

Monday - identify emails/letters sent to colleges
Tuesday - continue College research
Wednesday - share with class primary research source; college graphic organizer due
Thursday - Luttke gone - continue College research
Friday - in Library - share other sources with class

Friday, April 17, 2015

English 11 week of April 20

Monday - Read Declaration of Sentiments (112). Complete Central idea chart - turn in notebook.

Tuesday - Wednesday - M-Step during English 11. Luttke will be a Roving Proctor.

Thursday - Notebook returned. Argumentative timed writing - How Equal Are We?

Friday - Learning Target goal. College information from NPR. Introduction to American Contemporary Author research.

Technical Writing week of April 20

Monday - Begin working on College Research
Tuesday and Wednesday - Class will be held in the library
Thursday - Luttke will check K and W section of KWL chart
Friday - Luttke will check college results from BigFuture website

Friday, April 10, 2015

English 11 week of April 13

Monday - Create Main idea chart (96) for Documents unit. Read Jefferson autobiography. Skim read Declaration of Independence - includes deleted items.

Tuesday - Create summary slides for Declaration - in library

2nd hour slide show:

3rd hour slide show:

5th hour slide show:

6th hour slide show:

8th hour slide show:

Wednesday - Copy of summary slide, read Declaration, fill out Central idea chart

Thursday - M-Step practice on computers - tools training required by State of Michigan. Homework: Iroquois Constitution - read and complete Main idea chart

Student Online Tools Training (OTT)

You must use Google Chrome
1. DRC Insight icon on desktop - double click
2. Select Online Tools Training - M-STEP
3. Choose Sample Item Sets
4. Grade 11
5. Enter the Username and Password on the sign-in screen above the username field exactly as it appears
6. Click on Sign In and follow instructions
7. Take a sample test

Calculator Practice

Google Chrome browser must be used
1. Click on DRC Insight icon
2. Online Tools Training - M-STEP
3. Choose Calculator Practice
4. Login
5. Click on Sign In and follow directions

Friday - Letter to John Adams. Identify central idea and 3 details

Technical Writing week of April 13

Monday - Wednesday - Students working as teams to create a Senior Newsletter
Thursday - Peer edit and revise Senior Newsletter
Friday - Submit final Senior Newsletter