Together, inspiring students to think, learn, achieve and care in a global community.

Friday, May 29, 2015

English 11 week of June 1

Monday - Review
Tuesday - Goodreads update

Technical Writing week of June 1

Monday - Work on Google slide for final presentation
Tuesday - shortened class - wrap up slide presentation
Wednesday - Exam 9:30-11:00

1.     Jose Alvarado             9:30-9:40
2.     Brooke Chappell            9:42-9:52
3.     Diana Gaspar                9:54- 10:04
4.     Linnea Martinez            10:18-10:28
5.     BeomJun Ok                 10:30-10:40
6.     Elijah Padilla                  10:42-10:52

Thursday, May 21, 2015

English 11 week of May 25

Monday - no school Memorial Day
Tuesday - Friday - Students view The Crucible. (6th and 8th - Of Mice and Men wrap up - write movie review. Homework - write book review on Goodreads)
Friday - write a movie review of The Crucible.

Focus question on exam: Analyze how and Abigail and the group of girls interact and develop over the course of the movie "The Crucible". Include an example from the beginning, middle and end of the movie to show character development. 

Technical Writing week of May 25

Monday - no school Memorial day
Tuesday - Wednesday - Wrap up brochure
Thursday - Friday - Begin working on presentation. Remember to use Google slides - here's a link to a tutorial

Monday, May 18, 2015

English 11 week of May 18

Monday -
2,3,5 hours - work on McCarthyism research in class
6, 8 hours - work on The Crucible vocabulary

Tuesday -

Speed reading test at
Take test and inform Luttke of WPM and Comprehension levels

2, 3, 5 hours - college research at bigfuture at

6, 8 hours - take Of Mice and Men test at Schoolnet

Wednesday -
2, 3, 5 hours - explore Paying for College
and NPR series Paying for College

6, 8 - View Of Mice and Men movie

Thursday -
2, 3, 5 hours - discussion and writing about college search
6, 8 - View Of Mice and Men movie

Friday -
2,3, 5 - The Crucible vocabulary
6, 8 - Finish Of Mice and Men, write review. Homework: Goodreads review Of Mice and Men

Technical Writing week of May 18

Monday and Tuesday - work on draft revisions of research paper
Wednesday - Begin working on brochure
Thursday and Friday - continue work on brochure

Friday, May 8, 2015

English 11 week of May 11

2nd, 3rd, and 5th hour - watching Of Mice and Men movie Monday - Tuesday.
Homework: Students will write a review of the book after movie, and put it on Goodreads.

Monday & Tuesday (Friday & Monday)  -McCarthyism PBS; J.R. History channel information. Read Arthur Miller's article on why he wrote The Crucible. Discuss and write about the time period and fear

Wednesday & Thursday - Salem Witch Trial documentary

6th and 8th hour  - review for Of Mice and Men assessment

Technical Writing week of May 11

Monday - Students working on college research
Tuesday - Outline due
Wednesday - continue working on college research
Thursday - continue working on college research
Friday - Rough draft completed; Seniors last day

Friday, May 1, 2015

English 11 week of May 4

Contemporary author research due on Friday, May 8

Monday - turn in introductory paragraph
Tuesday - conference with Luttke
To Improve Your Learning Target
 Formal language

MLA in text citations and formatting

Elaboration; Elaborating on examples


Comma usage/Avoiding Comma Splices

Types of sentences for flow

Adding examples; Introducing examples with transitions

Subtle transitions

Strong conclusions; Complex sentence review

Wednesday - wrap up rough draft

Questions to answer for critique section of your paper:
1. Mention the name of the piece and when it was published?
2. Accurately summarized the piece being critiqued?
3. Mainly focused on critical evaluation?
4. Used examples from the piece itself to back and illustrate my assessment of the writing? Remember to include in text citations for the examples.
5. Formed an overall evaluation of the piece based on critical reading?

Thursday - Learning target area - identify information that helps you improve

Friday - Turn in Contemporary author research

Technical Writing week of May 4

Monday - Work on Exhibition and research
Tuesday - Work on research
Wednesday - Practice presenting for exhibition
Thursday - Outline finished - submit for grade
Friday - begin rough draft of college research