Together, inspiring students to think, learn, achieve and care in a global community.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

English 11 week of February 1

Monday -
1st and 6th hour - Written reflection on project

2nd hour - group discussions about articles on Human Rights issues

5th and 7th hour - Project wrap up. Homework - Written reflection on project. Reflection questions located on English 11 syllabus or


1. Explain how you were a creator during this project. 
2. Explain how you were a collaborator during this project.
3. Explain how you were a communicator during this project.
4. Explain how you were a critical thinker during this project.
5. What was the greatest challenge you encountered during this project? How did you work through 
the challenge?
6. What aspect of this project are you most proud of? Please explain

Tuesday/Wednesday - First, sign in using Google and your account. Khan Academy practice at Sophomores and Seniors work on comma splices at

Notes on the SAT Argumentative Essay overview Prezi:

Thursday/Friday - Receive SAT argumentative rubric. Identify unfamiliar vocabulary from Prezi and Rubric. Vocabulary: divide, define, and share

Creative Writing week of February 1

Monday - Introduction to editing group. Writing plan for novel.

Wednesday - Share and submit writing plan. Work on novel.

Friday - choose editing program and run through. Luttke will look at the draft over the weekend.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Exam for English 11

Please complete the following items in the recommended order during your exam time:

1. Schoolnet exam - Grammar, Reading, and Memoir assessed

2. Post unit survey:

3. Learning Target - Reading Strategies

Friday, January 22, 2016

English 11 week of January 25

Monday - work on advocacy letter; 2nd, 6th will mail letters today.
Tuesday - work on advocacy letter; 1st will mail letters today. Exams - 5th and 7th hours
Wednesday - review. Exams - 6th and 8th hours
Thursday - Exams - 1st hour
Friday - 2nd hour

Exam contains:

  1. Schoolnet test: Grammar - SAT type; Reading - SAT type; and Memoir Writing short answer
  2. Post unit Survey for Reading Strategies
  3. Learning Target for Reading Strategies

Grammar practice:
SAT type sentence errors:

SAT type sentence corrections:

Reading practice:

Memoir practice:

Use this article to remind yourself about memoirs

Creative Writing week of January 25

Monday - Work on outlining

Wednesday - Exam

Friday, January 15, 2016

English 11 week of January 18

Monday - MLK day - no school

Tuesday/Wednesday - continue working on group project - finish rough draft of advocacy letter.

Advocacy letter expectations:

Formatting your mailing address:

Thursday/Friday - work on draft of letter.


Exam week - January 25

Monday - Review - all classes

Tuesday - 5th and 7th hour exams - in afternoon

Wednesday - 6th and 8th hour exams - in afternoon

Thursday - 1/2 day; 1st and 3rd hour exams

Friday - 1/2 day; 2nd and 4th hour exams

Creative Writing week of January 18

Monday - MLK day - no school

Wednesday - Update on novel process - Character creation, Conflict creation, Outline. Continue outlining work.

Friday - Profile self-published authors.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

English 11 week of January 11

Monday – Group work – sharing information

Tuesday/Friday – Information regarding advocacy letter; Group work on rough draft of letter

Wednesday/Thursday – Reading strategy practice and extended reading time

Creative Writing week of January 11

Monday – Good Novel/Bad Novel discussion

Wednesday – Work on Character Development and Conflict for novel

Friday – Outline for novel